Setsuko MaroHina

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9 Jul 1998 Australia生まれ
13.5Kg (30Lbs)  

16 Jan 2000 England生まれ
10.5Kg (24Lbs) 

31 Mar2002  USA生まれ
12.5Kg (27.5Lbs)  

31 Mar2002  USA生まれ
12.5Kg (27.5Lbs)  

海/ Kai(3男)
31 Mar2002  USA生まれ
13.5Kg (30Lbs)  

Emlohruo Kennel
Coffs Harbour, AUS

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In memory of loving MARO 1
These are my favourite pics amoung hundreds of thousands of pics of Maro.
I don't remember where in Port Washington, NY these pics were taken.
Lots of thanks to Jennifer's papa!
Port Washingtonのどこなのか場所は忘れましたが、当時良く一緒に遊んでもらったラブのジェニファーのお父さん、そしてドッグアジリティの先輩でもあるジェニパパさんが撮って下さった数枚の写真です。
何年経ってもBest pics ! 素敵に表情が表現されてるので麻呂雛の祭壇用写真にしました。

足跡 Click on the pics to enlarge 写真クリックで拡大

| Setsuko | 20:39 | comments (3) | trackback (0) | In memory of MARO |
MARO finally met HINA 麻呂、雛のところへ
After 7 months fighting with Kidney failure, Maro finally decided to meet Hina at the Rainbow Bridge at 4:35AM on the 3rd of Oct
- 15 years and almost 3 months old.
All of a sudden I had a feeling and woke up. I immediately put my hand on his chest, I noticed his heart beat was slowing down.... stopped for a while, then started beating weakly again a couple of times.... then completely stopped. He said woof so softly at the last moment, and I knew he said goodbye to me.
突然、何かを感じ取って目が覚めたのですぐ麻呂のチェストに手を当てたらまだ心臓は動いてたけどかなりスローダウンしていて1回止まり、 また2,3回ビートした後、完全に停止。 最後の瞬間、麻呂が ”ウ~フ” (ほなさいなら~)と言いました。

ハート Omi, Koto and Kai were saying "Daddy, have a nice trip to the Rainbow Bridge. Say hello to our mama Hina"
Maro has a purple bag filled with his favourite snacks and he has a another snack bag pillow.
- right before the cremation in the pet funeral home
火葬の直前、臣、琴、海が最後のご挨拶 ”とうちゃん、良い旅をね。 雛かあちゃんによろしくね”
紫の袋にオヤツを一杯入れて持たせてやりました。 もう1個のオヤツ袋は麻呂が枕に^^)
足跡 Click the photo to enlarge クリックして拡大

ハート 出発前、自宅で

ハート A night before he passed away
He had seizure 2 times and I gave him a suppository. This is 15 min after, when he started sleeping again. He had a coma most of the times these 2 weeks. Maro came out of a coma for only a short period of time when I fed him and gave him water. But he was great enough to whine to let me know every time he wanted my help- thirsty, or any un-comfort. After I replaced a new wee-wee pad, or gave him water, he went back to sleep. That's how he was for these 2 weeks.
Koto always stayed with me whenever I took care of Maro, even in the middle of the night, she woke up, came closer, and looked at me what I was doing while Omi and Kai were sleeping and even snoring. Koto must have a special sense.
Koto, thanks for accompanying me all the time : )
旅に出る前夜。 今までなかった痙攣発作が2回ほどあり坐薬を入れて15分ほどしてまた寝入ったところ。 最後の2週間はほとんど昏睡状態でした。 流動食や水をあげる時に短時間目覚めるだけでしたが、水が欲しい時、体勢が悪い、トイレした直後、トイレシートを替えて欲しい時などは(無意識だろうけど)ふぃ~ん と鳴いて知らせてくれていました。 最後の2週間ほどはそれが麻呂の生活のすべてでした。
琴は私が麻呂の面倒を見ている時、それが夜中であろうがいつも起きて近くに来て、じっと私のやる事と麻呂の様子を見ていました。 臣と海はイビキかいて寝てる時でさえ・・・きっと琴は何か特別な感性を持ってる子なのかな。

I already miss Maro so much, but I'm not sad. I'm even happy for him now, because finally he is free from the disease and met Hina who had been waiting for Maro since 2009. I believe they are now together, running, smiling, and fighting over the snacks! Now they are going to be busy with watch their kids warmly from the heaven ハート ハート
麻呂がここからいなくなってすでに寂しさはあるけど悲しくはない。 それどころか麻呂が病気から解き放たれて、2009年からずっと待っててくれた雛に会えたので麻呂の為にハッピー。 今頃きっと、二人で走ったり笑いあったり、オヤツを巡って喧嘩してるかも・・・・ 
さぁ、これから親たちはKidsを暖かく見守って行くのに忙しくなるよハート ハート

| Setsuko | 23:17 | comments (15) | trackback (0) | MARO: Renal failure 腎不全 |
Maro today 30 Sep 2013
Maro is still here with us ! Almost same body conditions as yesterday, just have a little more difficulty to breath time to time.
A uremic sinus inflammation gives him hard times to breath... Seems uremic toxins are now spreading all over his body... poor Maro
but all day long, he is sleeping peacefully. I should thank to the uremic consciousness.
麻呂は今日も一緒に居てくれます。 昨日までとほぼ大きな変化はないけどより呼吸しづらそうになって来ています。

By looking at his face, looks like he is just sleeping peacefully.
I ハート you, my Maro ハートハートハート

足跡 Kidney Failure in Dogs

| Setsuko | 06:19 | comments (8) | trackback (0) | MARO: Renal failure 腎不全 |
Maro and his family家族写真
A family picture : it was such a beautiful day, and wanted Maro to enjoy sunbathing. Hope he could feel soft sunlight and cool Autumish air. 
A leopard-printed paw cushion is from Maro's breeder in Australia several years ago. He still uses it.

Amazingly, Maro is still hanging in there.
He can't move his hind legs at all only 1 week after he stopped walking.
They are paralyzed, not only having less muscles because of the low-protein diet.
He lets me know by whining when he wants to change his body position, or wee-wee pad is wet.
He is such an admirable boy! It brings me tears in my eyes...
驚く事に麻呂、まだまだ頑張ってます。 散歩に行けなくなってほんの1週間で後足はまったく動かせなくなりました。

| Setsuko | 03:59 | comments (4) | trackback (0) | MARO: Renal failure 腎不全 |
Maro today: 9/27/2013
Maro's nice vet made a home visit to make Maro more comfortable staying here.
He had a little difficulty of breathing this morning, so I tried to keep him comfortable elevate his body
and open his mouth to help breathing easier. Thanks God, he started breathing peacefully and went to sleep.
BUN: 110(9/16) 128 (9/22) 178(Today)
BUN: 110(9/16) 128 (9/22) 178(今日) それでもNO.1は良く出てるし色も薄いけど黄色だからこんなひどい状態でも

His body has been always dehydrated since he has MVD, the amount of the IV fluid has been limited (only 100cc, supposed to be 500cc according tohis weight), .
Luckily, he never had and even now has no pulmonary edema, his vet said try 125cc to make him little more
comfortable. That's the only one thing we can do for him at end stage.
これだけ連日IV(皮下点滴)してても脱水症状なのは入れられる液量が格段に少ないから、その分体が辛いらしい。 もう何もしてあげられる事はないから点滴増量で少しでも楽になってくれるといいなぁ。

| Setsuko | 03:49 | comments (3) | trackback (0) | MARO: Renal failure 腎不全 |

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